Wesley Hall London Road Horsham West Sussex
6th Horsham Cubs

Age Range
8 - 10.5 years
Meeting Day
Friday 6.30 - 8pm
Venue: Wesley Hall (click for map and full address)
Leaders: & Helpers: Andy, Amy, Mark
Our Cub Pack provides a fun and friendly environment for boys and girls. During their time in the pack, Cubs get a chance to try lots of different activities. There are a range of badges available which Cubs can wear on their uniforms to show everyone their achievements.
A varied programme of activities includes:
- Games, craft and group work
- Learning new skills leading to badge awards
- Outdoor activities such as hikes and outdoor games
- A weekend camp at least once a year
Cub Scouts also get to go on trips and days out, our aim being to train the scouts of tomorrow. Cubs promise that they will always do their best!
Subs: £35 per school term.
Want to join the fun? Please use the form here.

Badge Location (Click to enlarge)